I think today marks the first day of getting into the 'holiday spirit.' I slept til 10.30 and am still not dressed, even though I spilled coffee on my dressing gown and had to wash it.
Last week I had a good couple of days, Thomas and I hit up IKEA after breakfast, as planned, and I bought some new bedsheets that match said dressing gown. Their website is undergoing maintenance apparently but my room is all white and coffee/khaki and eggplant and black and walnut wood today. Plus everything in my life is really clean because I emptied it all out last week and now my wardrobe, shelves, storage boxes, desk, etc. are all really well organized.
Today I need to watch The Fountain because it's due back today but I don't feel like depressing myself just yet. My memoirs are going well and they're happening in list form, which I feel is a fitting tribute to my 21 years.
On Friday night I intended to go to the Leedy but we ended up sitting around at Jess' for ages and I went home. I was wearing a cute dress I bought in New York and some new wedges though, to acclimate to heels. Nice try.
On Saturday my first day at the gallery was really successful, I was concerned that I didn't know what I'd be doing but I basically got to talk to heaps of children and elderly people about contemporary art and I knew more than I thought I did. There's this awesome video installation at the moment by Julie Dowling about her Indigenous heritage and her journey back to her country, and it's really striking and incredible. I never thought that would be something I'd get into but my horizons are broadening every day.
Saturday night Laura and I went and saw Eddy Current Suppression Ring at the Norfolk Basement. Remember when we went and saw Wolf & Cub there (maybe) and the floor was sticky and it was full of old men? WELL, SAMES but the band was awesome and I've decided I'll become a regular at their shows when I move to Melbs next year. We had a full-on date night, she picked me up and we had gourmet burgers at Flipside and got photos taken at Timezone, had icecream and she dropped me home before curfew :~
This is a photo that was taken there and you can see my awesome collar, and home-job haircut courtesy of one Polly Smith. I am staying in her room for a few days this week so I'll be updating from a foreign house, and embarking on week two of holidays. This will include furtherance of memoirs, trip to Officeworks, banking of last paycheck from old job, new MJ bag, maybe cooking. I am making 2 x cookbooks today, one for my sister and one for me of recipes she loves and things I want to try, respectively. I might also continue the journey into op shop domination and get some new passport photox taken.
This entry is boring, your dress in your last post is pretty, and I want to live vicariously through your love life. Call me soon pls!