Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Cardinal Rules of Looking Good

Okay so with much ado, I've been looking at ways to improve my wardrobe (or me wearing my wardrobe) without spending too much money on it.

I think we both have a bit of know-how when it comes to looking good so perhaps we can make our own rules about things!

1. You wear the clothes, not the other way around.
It really bothers me seeing people that are constantly fidgeting with hemlines or cuffs or waistbands, if it doesn't sit right, it's wrong for you and detracts from your look.

2. Hem and cuff things properly
Similar to the previous point, it is scruffy seeing jeans that are too long or sleeves that go halfway down your palm.

3. It's all in the underwear
You were talking about this before and I totally agree - the right underwear makes clothes look good. I love how Carrie in Sex and the City can show a bit of her bra and it doesn't look trashy, I think this can only work with a gorgeous bra that is well-fitted. Ditto for undergarments, I don't mind wearing nanna knickers under tight skirts if it means I won't get bumps in the sides.

4. Colour (or lack of)
I know that some colours suit me and others don't, and I rarely like to push this! I know that I have olive skin and dark features, so I wear green and blue and peach because they highlight but not red or yellow or orange because they detract.

Feel free to add...

1 comment:

natalie. said...

Yes yes, I agree with all of those things. I think I have committed all of these crimes though but its something I have to stop. I think a tip is to notice when people compliment your clothing. They wouldn't be saying you look good if you don't, I know I don't go around telling everyone they look nice when they don't but when someone looks particularly good, I always try to tell them. With colours and the such, again, notice what people say, people say I look good in red so maybe I should start buying more red clothes!
I guess an easy rule is not to follow every trend. I know that I can't really do the extreme high waisted thing because of my body shape so I'm not going to, even though I think it looks pretty good... Don't do/wear something just because everyone else is doing it or because some magazine told you its "in", thats just retarded.