Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Employment, etc.

So after our productive phone conversation on Monday evening, I trotted off to work at Tura on Tuesday and stuffed envelopes for 5 hours. That's not the fun part though.

The fun part is that BEAP (the biennale of electronic arts perth) is restructuring in preparation for next year's festival, and I just got a job with them! Starting on Tuesday I will be pretty much the only paid employee at BEAP while a consultant from Sydney comes over and meets with all the heads of arts boards and holds round tables to discuss the future of BEAP, and I am organizing his entire visit. So I will get to meet heaps of people in the arts communities of Perth and be at all these conferences, hella exciting.

Hopefully this will carry on throughout my secondment too and I will be able to earn a bit of cash moneys as a side dish on my final semester's plate. Yesterday I was feeling really flu-ey so I was kind of blergh about the whole thing but today I feel pretty excited. I just received my ABN so I can pay myself, got the key to the office yesterday and am going to have a fun weekend to get amped for it.

Oh and 6 weeks of classes left.. my last 6 weeks!

This Saturday I am going to get a haircut and buy some lip stain. So many catwalk shows have starred lip stains lately, yet I can't find a good pic to post. I hope your busy week is fun and update me soon...

1 comment:

natalie. said...

Thats super exciting!! I'm so happy for you!! It sounds like a really good networking opportunity as well!
Its like all of our lives are just coming together now!