Monday, April 21, 2008

Shopping Adventures!!

I somehow fitted some shopping into my busy busy life this weekend, it was kind of a whirlwind shop, I was in the store for less than half an hour and half of that was standing in line... Anyway, I haven't had a chance to take pictures but here are some things I bought...This is so much better in real life than this picture...
I am wearing this at work today!

These purchases tick off some items from my new wardrobe list (namely "floral shirt" and "sheer blouses"). All the flowers that have been popping up around Toronto this last week has made me want even MORE florals!! Next on my list is a floral skirt, not unlike this one...... from l'atelier d'une fee. I was always a little unsure on what I would do if I did have a floral skirt, like how to wear it and all that, but I really like this look and I have done this with un-floral skirts before, I can make it work...

In life news, my contract at Rogers has been extended until I leave for vacation with my parents! I will be rolling in money by then!!

1 comment:

jessica. said...

You could totally work that look. I hope to see many pictures of flowers soon please! It's gray and miserable here but at least I am getting a chance to wear all my winter clothes from foreign countries...