Monday, July 28, 2008


Should I get an iPhone?
I want one, I really do. But should I?

  1. It will hold more music than my current iPod
  2. It will sync with my iCal, both eliminating the need for a paper diary and eliminating the frustration of my iCal not being in my pocket. 
  3. It will remove the need to use my current phone, meaning I don't have to put up with surprise loudspeaker and offensive muffled message tone.
  4. It will coordinate nicely with my Apple life.
  1. It will cost more than double my current monthly phone outlay
  2. It might become outdated as soon as the next model gets released
  3. I might have to wait for one, they are in high demand
  4. I will enter both the yuppy scum and techno-teen demographics simultaneously upon purchase. 
Comments, please.

1 comment:

natalie. said...

I say yes! I totally want one as well, I'm planning on making it my next phone purchase. Are the plans in Australia ridiculous for it?? In Canada they are retarded but thats partly because Canada is one of the most expensive countries to own a cell phone... but still! I say do it!!!