Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Uh Ohh!

I apologise for the lack of updates, I have been busy busy at work the last few weeks leaving me with no time to do anything except for what I'm paid to do... Thats half an excuse, the other half is that because I am now trying to spend a little less, I need to distract myself from the material things in life. However, while using television to distract myself, I was distracted once more by the fashions of Gossip Girl (which has gotten extremely intense and is not going the way I had hoped but still really good!). Last week's episode made me yearn for decorative headwear such as the ones Jenny and her posse were sporting...

I couldn't find a really good picture of the sparkly ones they had but you get the idea. And really, headbands and things like that aren't very expensive so really its a cheap and easy way to jazz up my style! Last night I took my first step into lavish hairwear and wore a large flower in my hair for the El Perro Del Mar show. I was a bit overdressed but who cares!

I also want all those coloured tights in those pictures... I went into American Apparel on Friday and I want alot of things in there. I have been steering clear of it lately because its kinda over priced and most of the stuff isn't that spectacular but I have stayed away long enough! All of this purchasing should wait till I see my parents, they'll want to spoil me!

Other updates, I have spent today looking for a volunteer position for when I return to Toronto. The rest of my day has been boring, I feel as if I have out stayed my welcome at this job and I kinda want to break up with them before they break up with me.

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