Saturday, May 24, 2008

o misery!

I don't know if it's because I've had 2 hrs sleep, or I am genuinely in a terrible place right now. I am having trouble being happy for my friends because I am going to be miserable when the next 2 of the BFF's leave the country. Even the Red Cross Op Shop sale in Claremont can't brighten my dour mood.

So a list of pictures;

I am totally ready for this year to be over.

Oh, Sean Morris' artwork is heartbreaking.

1 comment:

natalie. said...

aaawwwwwwww its a schnauzer hot dog!!!! Thats so cute!!!
I really like sean's stuff at the moment anddddd always. My downstairs neighbour had his art show a few weeks ago and his art reminded me a lot of sean's so I was like hey have a look at my friend's art! and he told me a few days later that he loved it. Spreading the love all over the world!!!